Tuesday, September 28, 2010


きょうはあめのひです。I like (to play in 0:]) the rain a lot so I don't like to use an umbrella (かさ) but I think I will have to use one soon... I forgot to close the windows today, so I ended up getting water in my room :/ 
Class was canceled today because Nazikian-Sensei (なじきあんせんせい) is sick :[ I hope she gets better soon, so we can learn more Japanese!
Remember on げつようび when I said that my favorite day of week was かようび and everyone was confused? It's because I only have one one class on Tuesday and that's Japanese! :D (and yes, I did not have any classes today! XP)

Here are some of my favorite Japanese songs~~ :]

Big Bang - Tell Me Goodbye

Big Bang - Let Me Hear Your Voice

Although it's in Japanese, Big Bang is actually a Korean boy group...
Big Bang はかわいいですね〜〜 :3

ヒルクライム -  春夏秋冬
I think this is the first non-anime Japanese song that I've listened to.
I really like this song. Hope you like it too~~ :D

Please let me know what you think of the songs! :] (and which one you like the most, if any)
Thank you for listening! ありがとうございます!

P.S. is anyone ready for the exam on Monday? I'm starting to relearn/memorize hiragana again!


Sophy said...


Arix2010 said...

I LOVE Big Bang!!!
<3 japanese music...i wanna take japanese sooo bad!

ドラえもん said...


I was listening to ヒルクライム きのうのばん as I was べんきょうしました =) とても好きです!

T. said...


わたしもBigBangがすきです! I liked all the songs :)


Clio-San said...

ahhhhh i remember my friend introducing me to big bang two summers ago, it's been forever since i've heard them! the music videos have always been my favorite though :p

Sean Kim said...

’Tell Me Goodbye’ and the other song by Big Bang are かんこくの かしゅの うたです。 Just wanted to make sure because ぼくは かんこくじんです。 :)

gec2112 said...

こんばんわElaineさん! I like the music you've chosen! How did you get into Japanese music? Just curious! Haha. I hope you enjoyed class today! じゃまたあした!

- Glenda

Clémence said...

I loved listening to the music that you posted! Please post some more soon!

エライネ さん たんじょうび わ なんがつ なんにち ですか?

Elaine said...

Thanks for listening! :D I'm glad you all enjoyed it!

@Sean-san: Big Bang is a Korean group but the songs I posted are in Japanese :)

@Glenda-san: My boyfriend got me into Japanese music! :D I get most of my music from him~

I will try to post more music soon!

Kwoh-san said...

This is my first time Big Bang ききますした。ありごたおう!

Eagle said...

I seriously thought Big Bang disappeared from the Korean entertainment industry like many other Korean boy bands who just perished after they reached the pinnacle of their career...But apparently they are doing really well in Japan. Thanks for sharing! Big Bang だいすくです。

Elaine said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it! You should check out their かんこくのうた as well when you get a chance!

Yes! They are doing pretty well in Japan! They are going to release a new Korean album in mid-November! Be sure to keep an eye out for them :D